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A Little Bit About Me...

I'm Shawn McKinney, a Bahamian visual artist living in Brooklyn, New York.  I had a strong passion for art early on yet never imagined pursuing it as a career. During my teenage years, I admired bodybuilding because of the way a competitor could transform their body into a living, breathing work of art. I was intrinsically captivated and it changed the course of my life.

For the past 20 years, I've competed nationally as a bodybuilder and built a lucrative and fulfilling personal training business. Because of my unwavering commitment to bodybuilding, I became a six-time New York State champion. Check out the photo below just for kicks!


So you may be wondering what led me back to a career in art. In 2018, my father passed away and I felt utterly lost. I needed something to calm my mind and recalled the sensation I felt when I painted. At the time I was walking down 6th Avenue in Manhattan waiting for Trader Joe’s to open. Next door Michaels, the craft store, was advertising an art supply sale in the window. I had a flashback of my art teacher in the Bahamas and all the supportive things she said about my work. I went into Michaels just for the hell of it and, on a whim, I decided to buy some supplies. I figured I could give it try and see where my skills were.


My first painting was point-blank terrible. My wife rolled with laughter when she saw it, but she supportively urged me to keep at it even though I wanted to smash the canvas to pieces. A week later I painted again and felt a little better about it. I kept trying and the feeling started to return. I haven't stopped painting since and my passion for it grows every day.

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Photo by John Fenick

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